奶控 光速 (Nikon Speed of Light) 創意閃燈 觀後感
歐~~抱歉,美國人就是唸奶控 可是我喜歡日系發音的妳控
是片DVD tutorial
由《國家地理雜誌》的Joe McNally實際Demo 多閃燈在各種場合的使用法
短短的30mins 收獲嘛~~~ 不能算沒有,只是需要實際演練一下
另類心得就是....所謂的創意三燈就是要三隻才能成氣候阿 XD
山大王,月底的PF6 就讓我們用三隻SB-800 + 5in1反光板來試試吧
至於怎麼看到的? 請私底下問我
3 意見:
全片 60 min捏
Join world-renowned photographer Joe McNally in Las Vegas as he showcases the ease and versatility of the Nikon SB-800 and SB-600 speedlight units.
Watch as Joe takes you through ten different scenarios, from a simple one-light solution to more challenging multiple wireless set-ups integrating the SB-800 and SB-600 into the lighting scheme.
Lighting diagrams of select scenes demystify Joe's placement of the speedlight units demonstrating incredible lighting techniques with Nikon's easy-to-use portable Creative Lighting System.
Individual sections on the SB-800 and SB-600 speedlights provide a brief overview of the speedlight as well as all of the items and accessories that are available.
A bonus commentary track lets you hear behind the scene comments from Joe that reveal his vision and execution throughout all of the different shooting scenarios.
Approximate running time: 60 minutes